Breaking Through

Barred Mother (1st Piece in the Set)

The character comes across a large sphere. 

She sees a figure who is being crushed by a thin but overwhelming separation. The figure is a mother, and she is separated from her sphere above.

When the main character looks into the sphere, she sees countless faces of children; these children belong to the mother.

There are spectators all around who watch but do nothing. 

The mother is barred and seems powerless. 

Breaking Through: I Am Coming (2nd Piece in the Set)

But the mother finds her power.

She breaks through the separation barrier.

And goes to her calling children.

Artist’s Insight

In the design of “Barred Mother,” I chose to make the mother a cold blue to communicate her isolation. She is naked and vulnerable; prostrated with her face down, and her back is holding the emotional weight of the separation between her and her sphere above her. On her hands, you can see a little bit of orange paint, which represents her inner power, now growing.